Shhhh do you hear that?
No vile noises or voices
No annoying sounds or clowns
Just me and my meandering mind.
Grew up wanting to be many,
From Snow White to Cinderella
Sleeping Beauty to the (hair) opluent Rapunzel.
Dreamt of a knight in shining armour, never without his stallion.
Growing older wanting to be many,
From Victoria Beckham, Sylvia Plath
To a world famous doctor.
Dreaming of happiness, sleeping on clouds.
This life has no paucity of dreams
Or inspiration
Or opportunities
Only has a dearth of sentiment, masked faces gallore.
A pleasant dusk, inching ever so closely towards dark
The first day of November
My mind continues to meander
To glistening stars, to a bright white moon and a gazillion dreams, yet to be conquered.
Final exams in sixteen days #ScaryStoriesIn5Words